The norm UNI CEI EU ISO50001:2011: Energy management systems – Requirements with guidance for use is the Italian version of the international ISO standard 50001 (October 2011). The standard specifies the requirements for establishing, implementing, maintaining and improving an energy management system, whose purpose is to enable an organization to follow a systematic approach in achieving continual improvement of energy performance, including energy efficiency, energy security, energy use and consumption. The standard aims to help organizations continually reduce their energy use, and therefore their energy costs and their greenhouse gas emissions.
UNI CEI/TR 11428
The technical report UNI/TR 11428 “Energy management-energy diagnosis-general requisites of the energy diagnosis service” is the standard that regulates the requisites and the common methodology for the energy diagnosis, as well as the paperwork to prepare.
It is applicable to all the energy systems, all the energy vectors and all energy usage.
It does not define specific requisites for the energy diagnosis related to buildings, productive processes, transportation. Non definisce requisiti specifici per le diagnosi energetiche relative a edifici, processi produttivi, transportation. In Italy the Energy Service Company certificated in compliance to the UNI CEI 11352 must oblige to this standard.
UNI CEI 11352
Standard UNI CEI11352 “Energy management”- Energy manager – Companies which supply energy related services (ESCo).
“Requisiti generali e lista di controllo per la verifica dei requisiti” è la norma italiana che stabilisce i requisiti minimi per le società che vogliono svolgere il ruolo di Energy Service Company (ESCo).
The norm outlines the minimal requirements of energy efficiencies and the abilities (Planning, diagnostic, design, managing, economic and financial) that the ESCo must offer clients: it also assigns a check list to verify the ESCo abilities, among the requisites it is important to mention the request to have an Expert in Energy Management (ESCo, certified in compliance to the standard UNI CEI 11339 or in possession of the required conditions)
UNI CEI EN 16247
Standard UNICEI EN 16247- 1:2012 specifies the criteria concerning the “Energy diagnosis- Part 1: General prerequisites.” The norm is applicable to all the company types and organizations, all energy forms and usage excluding single residential units. It defines the general requisites for all the energy diagnosis: in particular the requisites for specific energy diagnosis concerning buildings, industrial processes and transportation.